Perfect little hot tub for the two of us


Reviewed by: Amanda from Joplin, MO
March 6th, 2018
Rating: 5.0
Barefoot Spas PR5
Perfect little hot tub for the two of us

Our Barefoot spa tub is called the PR5. It is the perfect little hot tub for the two of us. We bought a very big hot tub spa at first years ago. This time around we knew we didn’t need that big again. The kids have grown, and now its just the two of us. Truth be told, our kids rarely used it anyways. I can’t remember too many time when we had more than 2 people in it at once anyways… The PR5 is also good because it has very powerful jets. It also doesn’t require much maintenance. You don’t have to really do anything to it to keep it running. I do recommend keeping the cover on it. I’ve left it off before for a couple days and thats not a good idea if you can help it. We got back from a long weekend and the water level got pretty low and full of leaves and dirt. It is nice that you don’t have to put a lot of chemicals in the water because it has that water filtration ozone thing. Every time we’ve left the cover off by accident is the only time we’ve had to add chemicals to the water. Other than that, its been a breeze. Soak it up in a Barefoot Spa!

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