Barefoot Spa is a well made product


Reviewed by: Michael from Medinah, Illinois
April 29, 2014
Rating: 4.5
Barefoot Spas ML7

Barefoot Spa is a well made product
I use my Barefoot Spa 5 days a week. The massage jets are very strong and perfect on my legs and feet. Barefoot Spa is a well made product. I have a Barefoot ML7, and I’ve owned it since 2002. The 2 motors are quiet and efficient. I had to replace the original

Our Barefoot Spa draws us together as a family

Reviewed by: Wayne from Huntington, Alabama
April 9, 2014
Rating: 5.0
Barefoot Spas PB7

Our Barefoot Spa draws us together as a family

We bought our Barefoot Spa model PB8 a few months ago, and our entire family enjoys it on almost a daily basis. We were nervous about how our 16 month old son, and our 6 year old daughter would react to the new spa, but they might enjoy it more than we do (though that is highly unlikely). It is such a great way to relax with friends, and all the newfound friends you will get. It also is a great way to enjoy a relaxing evening with your family. As crazy as it may sound, but our hot tub has