November 3rd, 2020
We went with a no lounge model becuase we both don’t care for that feature much. The bucket seating is deep, and we like that. Also, the jets move A LOT of water out. Very strong massage. Being able to adjust is nice.
I could go on and on, but lastly I’ll write a note about the insulation and energy use. Compared to the spa we owned previously, the barefoot’s energy consumption is excellent. I live right across the border form Canada, and last winter (as far as I can tell), my bill only went up about $30 a month. My old one? In the winter? Forget about it! We looked at between a $120-150 increase in electric! So yeah, if you live where it’s cold, get a spa like this that will keep the heat in. I’ve been there, and a spiked up electric bill is not fun at all.
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