Barefoot Spas Ozone System


Reviewed by: Sebastian from Salina, KS
April 19th, 2018
Rating: 5.0
Barefoot Spas PL8
Barefoot Spas Ozone System
We’ve had several spas over the years including a cal spa, and a jacuzzi brand spa. Our Barefoot Spa is just as good or better in some ways compared to the other high end brands we’ve owned. If you have the option, get the ozone system. The salesperson kept talking about how ozone replaces the use of harsh chemicals, and we sort of half way believed it. Turns out it’s true. We got the high end ozone system as an option, and we have not put chlorine in the system at all. We caught the spa on sale at an event at the fairgrounds. Got a very good deal. We are very happy to say the least!

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