April 3rd, 2020
We have been very pleased overall with our barefoot spas 77LP. Only problem we’ve had is the neck massager pillow keeps falling off. The little peg on the inside is torn out. I cant get it covered under warranty because they call it “operator error”. It was worth a try though, and yes it was totally my husbands fault for ripping it out when he removed it. I called today again and they are shipping me a new one. even though my husband tried to fix it with glue, it keeps coming off. It was NOT covered under warranty, but barefoot spas gave me a discount off the regular price, and it wasn’t that expensive. I’m also having a problem with the cover buckle things breaking off. ALSO not covered under warranty. That was my son who broke that part! Not gonna worry about it now. The other three work, and its just the one corner that doesn’t buckle to the side.
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