September 9th, 2020
We went to a lot of stores when we shopped for the hot tub including Barefoot Spas factory right here in Richmond, VA. We did an entire tour of the factory. We wore hard hats and got to see the assembly line and everything. The smell of the fiberglass was strong. You could smell it right when you walk in the front door!.
We were very impressed with the way they are built. The rep Mike how helped us was very professional as he told us all about the spa; informative and friendly.
We like our barefoot spa all around. We still talk to Mike. My husband called him the other day and he very willingly answered his question. We didn’t realize it, but Barefoot actually has a customer service department right at the factory. Theres a little cube farm with about 8 desks. I remember see it but didn’t think to call in there. We will from now on so we don’t have to keep bugging mike! Nonetheless, he was very helpful! The customer service has been great!
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