Thanks to Barefoot Spas, I am hooked on hot tubs


Reviewed by: Lewis from Philadelphia, PA
October 1st, 2017
Rating: 5.0
Barefoot Spas ML7
Thanks to Barefoot Spas, I am hooked on hot tubs
Owning a hot tub is something I thought I would never really want. My brother talked me in to it. He has Barefoot Spas ML7. I got the same, and don’t regret it! Thanks to Barefoot Spas… and My brother, I am hooked on hot tubs! The entire experience is amazing. I’ve even found a way to use it after I work out to help me not be as sore afterwards.

The spa is not only relaxing but gives a very strong massage on my back where I need it. soreness, tension, even mental stress all seem to melt away in the warm waters of my Barefoot Spa.

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