Hot tub delivered filthy


Reviewed by: Cindy from Treasure Coast, FL
December 12th, 2017
Rating: 1.0
Barefoot Spas PL7
Hot tub delivered filthy
I spent over $10,000 on my new spa and it showed up with dirt and a footprint right in the seat. It took my husband a whole hour to clean it before we can even fill it up. not happy that all. The spa looks nice now but this is no way to get a new product delivered to your home. I admit I’m a bit of a clean freak, but we ended up cleaning the whole thing out just to make sure no one else put there hands or feet in it. We took the deal because it’s one they had there and a floor model discount helped save a lot of money, still would’ve rather paid extra to get one that wasn’t ruined with a foot print and dirt.

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