Not what we expected


Reviewed by: Julia from Richmond, VA
March 21st, 2018
Rating: 2.5
Barefoot Spas PL8
Not what we expected

We love our Barefoot Spa. It has treated us well, and while the ENTIRE family doesn’t use it like they once did, my husband and I still enjoy it regularly. The only complaint we really have is that we were told we wouldn’t have to drain the water as much as we are currently. We are averaging twice a year, but my husband and I are convinced our sales rep said we would rarely have to drain it (like maybe once a year at most). That doesn’t really matter I guess because we’ve gotten used to it. Still it wasn’t something we expected. Another thing we didn’t expect was how easy the inside shell part is to clean when drained. It rarely gets dirt and grime stuck to it like our old one. Even while the water is in it, the shell stays very clean… not at all like the bath tub. This we have been very happy with, as we’ve heard horror stories about yucky stuff hanging out on hot tub surfaces. One of those stories came from our neighbor. They bought a cheap one they found online. Glad we didn’t go that route. Might just keep that bit to ourselves… hee hee…

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