Our barefoot spa has been so amazing


Reviewed by: Rick from McKinney, TX
February 16th, 2021
Rating: 5.0
Barefoot Spas 77NM Review
Our barefoot spa has been so amazing

Our barefoot spa has been so amazing to use especially during Covid. We both work from home now. As a lot of people are finding out, it’s not as easy as it sounds! My wife and I literally had to separate ourselves to opposite ends of the house to ensure work productivity! We both work late, and I admit, often times we don’t even see each other for 10 hours or more and we’re under the same roof!

The spa has been a great way for us to get together at the end of the day (or sometimes on a lunch break). Quality time for us has helped our relationship during these challenging times and even made it better in some ways. She seems to think we both sleep better when we use it before bed. She’s probably right. It’s so relaxing, and such a huge help for achy bones and joints too!!

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