Reviewed by:
November 4th, 2019
November 4th, 2019
Barefoot Spas 77LP Review
Help! Barefoot spa 77LP Dimensions
The deck that our spa will be sunken into is currently being built. I have been unsuccessful to obtain the actual outside and high dimensions on the 77LP spa. In conversations with Barefoot Spa and Spa Blowout I have been given general 7’ x 7’ x 3’ dimensions. These are not adequate for the custom installation my contractor is providing. Can anyone with a 77LP barefoot spa provide me with the actual dimensions. Thanks in advance.
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I have 77LP as well. I actually went through a similar thing. I wanted to know the dimensions of the spa after I placed order with Barefoot spas, but all they had was “general dimensions”. Turns out the it is EXACTLY 7x7x3. I called barefoot spas customer service and talked to them about it. not all the spas they make are EXACTLY spot on like that, and sometimes they change. I still don’t understand why or how, but I assure you, ours (the 77LP) is exact.
The length and width are exactly 84 inches square. This is from the edge of the acrylic shell to the opposite end. The frame it sits on is recessed slightly by about an inch each way in width.
The height is spot on 36″. Keep in mind, this from the ground to the top edge, without the cover on it. My cover is about 5 inches thick at its thickest point, so this adds to it. Hope this helps!